5 Easy & Delicious Bento Box Recipes for your Busy Week!
Some awesome spring and summer inspiration for packing healthy and nutritious lunches! Bento boxes are one of the best ways to add a variety of delicious foods to your work or school lunch. Here are 5 of our favorite bento box recipes- one for each day of the week!
Let’s face it, packing healthy and nutritious lunches can become challenging. It’s a perfect balance of having inspiration to try new recipes so that you don’t get bored, and the right meal prep. What we love about bento boxes is that the different dividers allow you to switch up your veggies, fruits and grains as well as help with portion control! It’s the perfect way to take healthy meals on-the-go with you! Add in a 100 calorie Breakfast Cookie Mini with your bento box lunch for the perfect combination of oats & fruit that will satisfy your after-lunch sweet tooth! Check out our bento box meal plan below:
Turkey Wrap with Veggies, Fruit and an Oatmeal Raisin Breakfast Cookie Mini
What is your favorite go-to bento box recipe?
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